Neglect. This set of tracks runs through Victoria, but ever since they stopped the train because they are replacing the bridge at the end of the tracks. These tracks are getting rusty, and neglected, leaves are not removed. IMO, makes for some great shots! View the larger version on Flickr
The last straggly hairs on bald Mountain. This isn't actually a mountain, and it's not actually bald. But when I got to this section, with the moss covering the ground and these arbutus trees sticking out like straggly hair, I couldn't help but laugh a little as I took this shot. View the larger version on Flickr
Destiny. My short walk on the weekend resulted in a lot of shots that I like. This one was one of the paths I walked down. I can't say why the top of this hill has so few trees, when the one next to it (taller) clearly does. So I'm not above the tree line (if I was I'd also be above the fog!) but it's kind of a neat aura up here with the trees all spread out, and the fog closing you in. View the larger version on Flickr
The path to Enlightenment. Paths, fog and of course Arbutus trees! what could go wrong? I climbed up this mountain in hopes to get above the fog, but it was just too high, and I got nothing but foggy shots. Having said that, I think I got some good ones, what do you think? View the larger version on Flickr
Around the Bend. It's a super foggy day today and I managed to get out for a breif 1/2 hour walk on the train tracks. Started to have some fun with perspective, and this one really jumped out at my in today's collection. Enjoy! View the larger version on Flickr
Blinded. I was under a bridge the other day snapping some shots and basked in the sun, it's so nice to see the sun this time of year I snapped a quick shot of it, processed as an HDR, and liked how it turned out. View the larger version on Flickr
Bright Train Traks. Found this today. with the sun not really getting too high in the sky these days, i decided to includ it, and i think i works!! View the larger version on Flickr
Hello Mountain. If you have the chance to take the Washington State Ferry from Victoria, BC to Anecortes, WA, and that day happens to be as clear as this one, be sure to stand on the front of the boat, beacuse you round one island, and BOOM, Mount Baker just hits you in the face with it's beauty. View the larger version on Flickr
Crazy Flower. Does anyone know what this flower is called? I found it in Maui back in 2009, it's amazing. I don't think it'll grow in Canada, but I want this. I love how there are flowers inside the flower! So cool. View the larger version on Flickr
Step by Step. Again a Hawaii shot from 2009 of a man-made river flowing through the Westin hotel. I shot this with a Lensbaby and really like how the colours turned out. View the larger version on Flickr
Just Peeking. Again, from 2009, I shot this on the top of Mount Haliakala in Maui, Hawaii. Getting up at 2am to watch the sunrise and then bike down the side of the mountain through 7 eco-systems was definitely a great experience that I want to do exactly once. And I have done it! View the larger version on Flickr
Ready for some Wind. Again, digging through my photo set I found this one. Back in the day when I was playing with a LensBaby lens, I forgot how fun the images are from that thing! View the larger version on Flickr
Longing for the Day. I haven't had time to get out and take as many new pictures as I've wanted, so I started going through some old shots. This one caught my eye, remembering back in 2009 when I went to Maui, Hawaii. Just the relaxation of sitting on the beach watching the sun go down. How I long for that day again! View the larger version on Flickr
I have been into photography as a hobby since I got my first digital camera in 1999, the equipment purchases have never stopped since. I shoot primarily with my iPhone or Canon 5D Mark II. I occasionally shoot with my GoPro Hero 3 Black edition or Nikon Coolpix.
The Last Day
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[image: BM157Purple]
I shot this mask shot with my *Canon 1D X** 1/160 sec at f/8, ISO 100 at
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