My first attempt at long exposure ocean shot. I'm proud of this one, but need some more practice, including not letting the tripod rest on the sand that's slowly sinking!
Going back through my photo collection, I found this old Shell station, coupled with the old Ford. Kind of brings me back to days before I was born... err...
Walking around Sidney Harbor, it was so calm, that the reflections of these sailboats were just about perfect. I couldn't resist one, or maybe two shots! ;o)
Speaking of kids having fun, I found this one taken during the milk carten derby. After crossing the finished line, these kids started having the real fun!
With a knocking sound. Chico ran up to the bedroom and started barking at the window. Looking out I found this woodpecker searching for food. I managed to creep within 6 feet of him before he took off.
Walking around the building, I managed to snap a few shots before security booted us. The last is through the bars as we were allowed to take pictures from outside the gates.
While relaxing on the top of Tiger Mountain after a 2 mile hike up, I managed to snap off a set of photos that stitched together well. This is a 360 panoramic. so the hill on the left is actually also the hill on the right.
Taken on top of Tiger Mountain, Issaquah, WA, USA.
So, as it turns out, I wasn't ready for this guy to swing out from under the train bridge. I had my polorized filter on, the ISO was set all wrong, but I manged to snap this photo anyways...
This weekend I headed down to Kanaset State Park with a few friends. Just outside the park there was this train bridge. Placing my camera on the rail, I managed to snap this neat reflection.
I try to stay away from the market on weekends in the summer because of how crouded it is. But with guests in town, the best I could do was point out the market and wait in the street. I snapped this one waiting for them to watch the flying fish.
I have been into photography as a hobby since I got my first digital camera in 1999, the equipment purchases have never stopped since. I shoot primarily with my iPhone or Canon 5D Mark II. I occasionally shoot with my GoPro Hero 3 Black edition or Nikon Coolpix.
The Last Day
A QUICK UPDATE: This crazy deal ends on the 13th of February (TOMORROW)
when the bundle returns to $99. So if you want to grab this price, it’s
pretty mu...
Farm to table meals
The fruits and veggies served to the homeless residents of Boston’s Pine
Street Inn are usually grocery store cast-offs. But the Cambridge nonprofit
Food F...
Masks Can Be A Low Cost Prop With Big Impact
[image: BM157Purple]
I shot this mask shot with my *Canon 1D X** 1/160 sec at f/8, ISO 100 at
150mm *with my 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM lens. I picked thi...