Needle through the Clouds. Driving to the CN Tower, it revealed itself through the Clouds. No, I wasn’t the driver.. View the larger version on Flickr.
Streets of Amsterdam. The streets in Amsterdam are so neat, each one unique from the other. There is no end of excitement when walking around. The architecture is beautiful.. View the larger version on Flickr.
Fairytale Castle (Muiden). This fairytale castle outside of Amsterdam was quite the step back In History. I’m thankful the tour was in English. This castle was erected to help fight the French. They also flooded the planes to make it hard for enemy to attack.. View the larger version on Flickr.
I have been into photography as a hobby since I got my first digital camera in 1999, the equipment purchases have never stopped since. I shoot primarily with my iPhone or Canon 5D Mark II. I occasionally shoot with my GoPro Hero 3 Black edition or Nikon Coolpix.
The End of an Era… a Year in Japan?
Long-term readers will know that my journey as a photographer has been
quite varied, to say the least, and it has coincided with what I guess many
Farm to table meals
The fruits and veggies served to the homeless residents of Boston’s Pine
Street Inn are usually grocery store cast-offs. But the Cambridge nonprofit
Food F...
Masks Can Be A Low Cost Prop With Big Impact
[image: BM157Purple]
I shot this mask shot with my *Canon 1D X** 1/160 sec at f/8, ISO 100 at
150mm *with my 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM lens. I picked thi...