

While we're on the topic of flowers, I took both of these at the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival two years ago. You think they are contenders as a replacement for the Windows XP Tulips?

Taken Skagit, WA Posted by Picasa

Botanical Gardens


After years of not knowing of its existance, I discovered the Bellevue Botanical Gardens and spent a couple of hours taking pictures there. These are the ones that I'm most proud of.

Taken Bellevue, WA Posted by Picasa

High Paid Pilgram

Hosting a "dinner and a murder" evening at my house resulted in some pretty neat costumes, like this one of the rich land-owning widow.

Taken in Redmond, WA Posted by Picasa

Old and New

I'm in an old mood today and digging up some photos that reflect back on the years. Something about the roundness of the street car puts me back in the 70s

Taken Sanfranciso, CA Posted by Picasa

Old Truck

Something about this truck makes me think it's been sitting in the same location for a while. It probably used to do a lot of work.

Taken in Duvall, WA Posted by Picasa

The Old Tug

This boat lives on the waterway from Lake Union into the Puget Sound in Seattle. If you look closely you can see the huge gash on the side of the boat from when it sank. This picture was taken after it was recently brought back to the surface.

Taken Lake Union, Seattle, WA Posted by Picasa

Pastel Needle

Living in Seattle, I get lots of pictures of the Space Needle. I particularly like this one because of the clouds in the background, giving the Needle a somewhat surreal look.

Taken in Seattle, WA (obviously)! Posted by Picasa

The Not so Quiet Mime

I was in Victoria, BC this past weekend, and although this picture was taken on my last visit to Victoria, the picture reminded me of my trip.

Taken in Victoria, BC. Posted by Picasa

Table Flowers

My wife did a great job setting up beautiful table arrangements at our wedding, this is a quick snap of one of them.

Taken in Cambridge, Ontario Posted by Picasa

The Coral Church

This is the miracle church. Built of of coral, the native Hawaiians were going out to the sea to get the coral, when it was coming too cumbersome, a storm came in, brought in the coral needed. After the church was built, the coral was swept back out to sea in another storm. Posted by Picasa

Sea Fly'r

When you're two feet away from a sea turtle, you learn they fly through the water, and you're left behind ... swimming.

Taken in Maui, Hawaii Posted by Picasa

Dancin' Feind

When the music is just too good to dance with your eyes open

Taken in Galt, Ontario, Canada Posted by Picasa

Too Many Choices

Sometimes there are just too many choices to pick from

Taken in Maui, Hawaii Posted by Picasa